Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Playing catch up

My Happy Birthday torte at Jazz'd Tapas in Savannah, Ga

So, The CEO and I are back from our birthweek trip South.  We explored Savannah, Charleston, and Hilton Head and got to spend some time with my Mom.  I missed her more than I thought possible.  And now I am twice as homesick since I had to come back.  I know I should more easily recall the reasons I left to live in NY but right now, they escape me.

I went to a grand total of NO yarn stores on our trip and only bought one pair of soap.  But we cleaned out all of the high end consignment shops in all three cities.  We ate tons of good food, saw some friends I've been missing, and we relaxed.

I also did very little knitting and kept messing up what I did do.  As soon as I got back to NYC I started knitting up a storm again.  I wonder what's up with that.

Yesterday, I finished my Cafe Latte Cowl.  The CEO says it looks like an overgrown cup holder and I admit it is a bit Fall-ish in its size.  But the point is to tie it up with a jaunty little ribbon and be snazzy.  Here it is!

I certainly do love the color...and ignore some of the natty ends.  
What I like most about this project, however, are the details in the stitching.  I had to frog it about 5 times because I kept twisting the stitches when joining in the round...a really rookie move.

But here is the detail of the pattern, which I really like.  The solid color of the yarn, which is Ewe Ewe yarns Wooly Worsted in Aquamarine (a Knitcrate yarn and pattern), really work well to show it off.  My bind off edge is not nearly as nice as the photo but it isn't wholly unfortunate.

Currently, I am knitting on The CEO's mom's sock, which are a surprise.  So no pictures.  I can say they are being knit on size 1 needles and that's tiny.  I'm having fun with them and find them challenging but doable on the bus.

As for reading, I am still making my way through Patriots and it is taking on a sense of chilling scary with the current political situation.  I started an actual book on the trip but I cannot remember its name so I will share next week.

As for soap, I am still lathering up with the grapefruit The CEO got me.  I need to go through soap faster but sometimes that means taking a break from something fantastic.  I think I am just hopelessly monogamous with all things, including soap and knitting.

In the kitchen, I've been making more meatballs for football watching.  This weekend, I have a little something special up my sleeve, however.  There will be meatballs but also a fitting tribute to one of my favorite things.

On a final note, for those of you in or near Savannah, go by and try out A.Lure.  We had The CEO's birthday dinner there and I am still massively craving everything we had.



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