Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What's on the Needles, My Kindle, and on My Stove (plus, a little bit about soap)

I suppose, looking back, I accomplished a ton this past week.  Sadly, it has felt a bit like running around chasing my tail and not even coming close to catching it.  The annual Birthweek trek draws nearer and nearer, which means another year has gone by.  For some reason, that is making me more sad this year than most.  I don't know why.

But I have done quite a bit this year and knitting and cooking have really been at the forefront.  I was speaking with The CEO last night about how I have been looking down at my own knitting and thinking "who made those perfectly even stitches?"  

But, moving right along, the Love Socks came off the needles late Friday night.  They are nice.  They feel really soft.  The white and green of the yarn sadly obscures the Celtic knot pattern more than I had hoped but that's what I get for not picking the recommended semi-solid.  I still hope the recipient will like them.  I forgot to take photos but I will get around to it, I swear.

So now I have moved along to the 5th pair of Christmas socks, which I am knitting up for The CEO's other cousin.  I'm very fond of this particular cousin.  He is funny, smart, and a big thinker.  We don't always agree on the thoughts, but it is nice to see someone who cares enough to ponder.  

This cousin always wears boots.  His taste is not frilly or fancy but classic and long wearing.  So I wanted something that would hold up to both his style and the type of footwear he prefers.  I found that with another pattern from The Knitter's Book of Socks.  This pattern, which is called Turbo Toes by A. Karen Alfke was designed to create a virtually indestructible sock.  It uses slipped stitches on the toe, sole, and heel to make a very strong, very cushioned fabric.  It's really cool.  Here is a shot of the bottom of the sock thus far:

Forgive the finishing that will need doing (tucking in that knot there) but see how tough they look.  PS...that's the Namaste bag!
I am halfway through the sole flap so I suppose slipped stitches also make for a super fast knit.  The yarn, you say?  Well, it is Zitron Unisono in colorway 1250...a wonderful gradient, the yarn has two other awesome things doing: 1.  It is made in Germany and 2.  It is treated with aloe vera and jojoba to give my hands a treat while I knit.  I am in love with this yarn...more so than I have been in love with any other sock yarn yet.  I may knit only in this yarn henceforth...that was obviously a joke.  But it really is incredible.  And German.  

Here's another shot...this time of the top of the sock.
Notice how even my stockinette is?  
I just finished The Friday Night Knitting made me cry.  Evil, evil book.  But I liked it in spite of its embarrassing me while walking and reading down Bay Ridge Avenue.  Now, I am listening to Patriots by James Wesley Rawles because The CEO said it was high time I read it.  I think the knitting during it makes me less frightened by the subject matter.  Plus, I occasionally look down at my hands and realize this skill will be SUPER useful in the event of an EMP or other global disaster.  My family won't be naked and cold...nosiree!  Maybe I should learn to make sweaters soon so I can warm more than their feet and necks!

On my stove would be more meatballs...nacho was added this time...and Halusky.  The CEO loves the stuff and shared some with me at brunch at the Brooklyn Beet Company (or BBC...I know, I know...what a terribad name for an eatery).  I just knew I could master it, so I did some research and gave it a whirl.  It didn't look exactly right but it tasted right.  I will most likely do a whole blog on that little adventure.  Because you should try it.  It's the Slovak national dish for a reason.  

As for soap, I haven't tried it yet but the super awesomesauce yarn dyer Dyeabolical Yarns also makes soap.  They have a soap of the month club.  I got a bar (with a loofah in it) in my Knitcrate this month.  I know, I know...when one's passions intersect life is about perfect.  

When I type all of this out, I realize my life isn't quite as difficult as I think.  Although work has been really, really tough lately.  This country simply MUST get better at how we handle maternity leave on BOTH sides of the equation.

With that said, look out for the Halusky blog as soon as I can write it.  



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