Thursday, June 27, 2013

Renegade Craft Fair (etc)!

Wow..what a week.  And it is only half over.  I've been knitting, making plane reservations, making cheese steaks, trying not to shop, reading the news, avoiding reading the news, and occasionally stopping to breathe.

I won't comment on Paula Deen.  I just have too many conflicting emotions to even express them.  I won't discuss any of the Supreme Court's decisions this week in detail, either.  I think, all in all, they did a fine job of doing what they are supposed to do, which is serving to provide balance of power and determining the constitutionality of the cases they hear.  Sometimes this means that things end up not exactly as some would like and other times the victories are astounding.  And while the law doesn't always allow us to get what we want when we want it, it does keep our Nation as just as possible (in perfect practice, but let's leave that argument alone for now).  And that's all I have to say about that!

I've been on a cheese steak cooking course for the past few months.  Being a Philly boy, The CEO loves cheese steak.  I had been using Steak Umm and Whiz  to make them, and after several tries, I got the stamp of approval (the cheese ratio was hard to nail!) and was pretty happy.

Then, while shopping at Costco in Warminster, PA, The CEO and I found some boxed steaks for cheese steak and thought to give it a whirl.  They are pretty bizarre little patties of meat that cook up into beautiful cheese steak stuff.  I don't want to understand it but it's much better quality than Steak Umm and The CEO likes them.  So that's good.

The CEO and I set out last Saturday morning to hit up a regular fave of ours...Smorgasburg where I promptly got so full on samples I could barely eat lunch.  But I did get in two drinks from Brooklyn Soda Works (ginger good).  Also discovered, Grady's Cold Brew (a WIN for The sugar unlike Via), picked up some sausage of goodness from Charlito's Cocina and some Floyd Beer Cheese in the bacon variety.  I just love Smorgasburg, which I know I've mentioned before...

Then, we went onward to The Renegade Craft Fair!  I love this fair...I was hot and burning and feeling sick to my stomach but The CEO and I still managed to find some awesome loot.  We got a candle from Di Palermo Body that is now serving to make our office smell amazing.  It doesn't look like they have the candles in the Etsy Shop...that makes me sad.

I only bought one bar of soap.  I have so much now that it has to look/smell/feel different for me to get really excited.  And I found one.  I had just left behind a necklace that I really loved because the woman at the booth was too busy flirting with her booth mate to answer any questions (EK Pet Peeve).  I saw a soap display and thought I would stop.  The lady at Poor & Pretty (I think the owner) immediately greeted us.  I explained that I am soap collector and she showed me where she had tests tubes of each of her scents.  Right?  I LOVED this move.  That's how to reel them in.  She pointed out which ones were unique and I fell in love with Bamboo and Sugar Cane.  So I got this soap.  I haven't used it yet but I was super impressed with the whole experience.  Also, how epic is Poor & Pretty for a shop name?

I also got, from The CEO, a super great shirt and a hip bag that I cannot even explain.  Its is essentially a fanny pack reincarnated to be cool.  I must snap a picture.

There were two yarn purveyors there.  The first had very funky but not very me yarn in super small skeins that wouldn't make much of anything. I was feeling pretty bummed.  And then I saw Hellomello Handspun's booth.  I think I squealed.  Even The CEO got into it, immediately pointing out a worsted weight yarn he loved.  It is hard to describe and even harder to photograph but it is a gradient black to red that looks like something True Bloodish and just wonderful.  I also got a sock yarn that is hard to describe but goes from cream to blue to yellow.  I knew I loved that yarn from the moment I set eyes on it.  It hasn't told me what it wants to be yet but I'm excited for when it does.  To make my experience even more awesome, the yarn maker gave me her card and asked me to send her a photo of what I make.  She said "I like to see what my yarn becomes."  It occurred to me that every skein she sells must be a bit like sending a child off to college (if you aren't a knitter, I don't expect you to understand stash attachment).

So, all in all, super fun time!  And, in more good news, while I was carefully putting my stash into containers, I picked up a sock yarn that said "I want to be The CEO's sisters sock."  I had the pattern but not the yarn so imagine my shock that it was there all alone.   (Also, if you aren't a knitter I also don't expect you to get that the yarn talks, but it really does!)

As a final note, all of my stash fit into 2 plastic containers (the 6 inch deep ones, not even the big tubs) with one extra for a special project I need to finish for someone who couldn't.  So, by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee's standards, I barely have any yarn at all.



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