Thursday, October 31, 2013

No WIPW...not because I'm not knitting

But because I had to attend a meeting Salt Lake City.  So I flew out Tuesday afternoon and back last night.  Thank heavens for Delta direct flights from SLC to JFK or I might have been there longer and I hate being away from The CEO.

All of the flying sort of stunk but I had some great quality knitting time to make up for a tiny bit of it.  And I was able to cast on The CEO's step father's socks.  I know I say this about all of The CEO's family and I mean it each and every time...but I have a huge place in my heart for the recipient of these socks.  He is patient, kind, funny, and really loves The CEO's mom.  It is a thing to see...and we can all use a reminder of how real love looks sometimes.

Because I like him so much (and know he won't complain even if I give him mismatched wonky looking socks), I REALLY want him to have socks he will love.  The CEO's mom was kind enough to show me some of her husband's favorite socks and I set out to make something simple but not ugly, warm but not overly thick, and at a small and comfy gauge.  While thinking about this matter, I was reading 2-At-A-Time Socks by Melissa Morgan-Oakes, and an idea was born.  What better way is there to make sure things are even and both the avoid one toe being longer or forgetting rows..then to make both of them at the SAME TIME?

I picked out a very simple pattern and away I went.

In typical EK style, I got the yarn hopelessly tangled and it took me forever to wind it into a center pull ball.  I am hoping Santa brings me an umbrella swift and a yarn winder (links in case you don't know what those are) so I can avoid these issues in the future.  Or maybe I should just be more careful.

At any rate, I finally got these cast on whilst flying to Utah and have made quite a bit of progress (I think) in the past day and a half...take a look.

I'm pretty excited about these and they may be my favorite way to knit socks...although I would probably still do one at a time for very complex socks or DPNs for something at a tiny gauge I wanted to be perfect.  For some reasoning the laddering on the ends is worse on these than others.  I have to make sure I tighten the ends quite well.

I'm back to knitting with bamboo needles this time.  I like the metal but I was afraid this would slip right off...which would be maddening.  I must hold my needles too tightly, though, as I am starting to see a definite curve in my size 1's.

I just saw the most adorable Christmas idea for knitters...I need to stay off the internet.

Halloween tonight...Captain Hammer is my date...and he will be a great one no matter what we do.

Sometimes I am quite certain I am the luckiest lady alive.

Football Foodz this weekend!



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