Monday, October 28, 2013

Football Foodz (the fancier edition)

I say fancy, but it really wasn't...I made pizza dip again and The CEO and I ate it like we hadn't eaten in years.  That stuff is like crack, I tell ya!

I also made filet mignon bites.  These were super easy.  I cooked some salted and peppered filet mignon, cut it into strips, and folded them up with some arugula and blue cheese.  Then, I drizzled a simple white balsamic reduction on top. DONE!

And good.  Here's a picture:

Clearly The CEO took this photo as it is clear and easy to see what it is!
Also, when we were in Rhinebeck, I noticed that tons of people were waiting in line at the Artichoke French food tent.  While I had no desire to wait in a line that did not end in yarn (priorities, folks!) I did want to know what it I found a recipe here and I made it.  I tried to make the artichokes as crispy as possible for The CEO...who hates mushy artichokes...but I think he still wasn't a fan.

I was...they were yummy.  But awful reheated, as I learned this afternoon!

Caution: Eat at once!
Finally, I made potato peanut butter candy and mucked it up royally.  I learned two things: 1. a "little" confectioner's sugar on the wax paper really should be "A BUNCH." and 2.  putting things down on the waxed side of the waxed paper is generally helpful.

Duh, EK!

so.  While it tastes yummy, it is ugly.  I also think The CEO was less than impressed with this food too (it is probably too sweet for his tastes...I should have considered that).

Overall, not a terribly successful Football Foodz day...which matched the Eagles playing.  At least we had the pizza dip.

I also finished The CEO's Aunt's socks.  However, I've decided to keep the photos under wraps...sorry.

They are pretty.

I'm onto the final complete pair of socks for the Christmas sock knitting...The CEO's Step-Dad...I hope these socks do him justice.  I am knitting them two at a time on a magic loop.  I will cast them on just as soon as I manage to untangle the second skein which I have turned into an unmanageable yarn blob.



~ EK

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