Monday, August 26, 2013

That Knitter's Gut Feeling

I suppose it could be just about any kind of intuition...women's, knitter's, whatever.  But you know that feeling you get when you know something just isn't right?

I felt that about the Love Sock.

I was knitting and I thought it looked funny.  My gauge seemed really close when I first measured it but something had gone awry.

I found myself dreading the knitting since it was so ugly.  But I told myself that maybe if I knit a little more it would look right.

It didn't.

Truthfully, I was kidding myself.

I was knitting a sock for an elephant.

I took a deep breath.  I frogged it.

Things are better now.

The moral of this story is:

1.  Trust your gut
2.  Gauge lies



PS I have some amazing meatballs to tell you about...

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