Wednesday, July 31, 2013

WIP Wednesday and SO much happening

I'm to the toe of he first of The CEO's Uncle's socks and it is clear I won't have enough yarn.  So I need to hunt down a skein of the KPPPM and hope I can match dye lots.  It's hand painted so it shouldn't be too tough to match another dye lot in a pinch...or maybe I am kidding myself.  We shall see.  Here is a Work In Progress photo for you.  I am finding the moss rib incredibly dull but that could be because my last two sock projects involved mock cabling and then lace.  

I was contemplating using this pattern with a slight variation for someone else's Christmas socks but I just don't love it so that may not happen.  This yarn makes my heart sing, however.  

On the cooking front, have you tried the Saute Express by Land O Lakes yet?  I find myself using them often to spice up some fix or chicken.  I even used the garlic and berh on some asparagus the other night to great reception.  They are pretty darned awesome for those in need of some quick intense flavor.

Also, I made filet mignon for The CEO the other night.  I love cooking filet.  I pan sear it and finish it in the oven to a perfect medium rare.  He was nomming a steak and said "what do you put on this to make it so good?"  "Nothing.  Just salt and pepper," I replied.

And that's what makes filet so incredible.  It just TASTES good.

Other than that, there has been a ton of hustle and bustle as we get ready for some very special guests who arrive tomorrow.  There is something incredibly special about seeing NYC through someone else's eyes and I am more than thrilled to see it through some young eyes.  

There will be some knitting while they visit, I hope...and tons of delish foods.


~ EK

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