Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Knit A Long and WIPW for this week...

Frustratingly enough, the camera on my iPhone still takes photos that look like they are behind a honey covered pane of glass.  It is awful and my 5S is still on backorder.  I have taken some photos with Itsy (my incredible iPad) but haven't uploaded them yet.

So yeah.  I'm a slacker.

But The CEO's Stepfather's socks are almost done.  And they are perhaps my favorites ever.  There is something about the fabric that is just delightful and warm and snuggly.  I hope he likes them as much as we do.  After this, I have a foot and I am done with the Christmas socks.

I picked out a kit from Knitpicks for something for The CEO’s Dad and I have a few things to make for the pups.  But I am really staggered that I am finishing everything as I planned. 

Hand knit Christmas is fun!

Other than that, I am still listening to the second book in the Songs of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin.  And I am listening to SO many podcasts.  I wish I had something unique to say…I would throw my hat in that ring as well.

That’s about it for now…up next I have a special blog illustrating what comes in a Knitcrate…stay tuned.


~ EK

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