Monday, October 21, 2013

The One In Which I Try to Describe the Indescribable

Wise Poodle Says: Go to NY Sheep and Wool!

About six months ago, I was at La Casita Yarn Shop in Brooklyn when someone asked me if I had been to Rhinebeck.  I said no and she said, "If you ever want to go to a place where you can literally roll around in a pile of yarn, go there."  I was intrigued.

I went home and googled.  It turns out Rhinebeck, is what knitter nerds call The NY Sheep and Wool Festival held each October in Rhinebeck, NY.  I told The CEO I wanted to go and put it on the calendar.  He was, of course, amenable because he is awesome.

Well, this weekend we went.

I wish I could put into words what it felt like to be there, the love of my life at my side, the Fall air making it all the more exciting.  But I really can't.  I can't do it justice.  Guys...Rhinebeck is just that amazing.

We went to the food and wine booth first.  The CEO and I had a pretty good time tasting the NY wines.  I bought 5 or so bottles, he bought 1 (we have very different tastes).  We perused all the food items, bought some appetizer makings for Thanksgiving, and made notes on things we needed to buy the next day, and the made our way over to a cooking demonstration on preparing lamb.

The demonstration was great!  I have always been afraid to make lamb because it seemed too complex.  This demo helped a bunch.  It also gave me a new appreciation for good butchers and sharp knives.  The CEO seemed intrigued as well.  Now all I want to do is make a lamb shank.  Sadly, Wil-Hi Farm was out of them by the time I came back on Sunday to buy.  So I got lamb kielbasa and lamb chorizo foodz here we come.

After that, we shopped.  Oh man, did we shop.  The CEO has such an amazing eye for both what I would want as well as what would make a great basis for a project I have either mentioned or he can see in his head.  Sometimes I wonder how I found such a perfect man for me.  I got enough yarn to make two sweaters I have been wanting to make, as well as enough silver mohair for a Boo Knits shawl...sock and scarf yarn for myself and several loved ones and all kinds of other stuff.  I got wool (duh),  angora, mohair, tencel, quiviut, baby alpaca, adult was like a dream come true.  I couldn't find any llama I wanted and bison seemed hard to come by in a weight/color I would use.  So those dreams will have to wait (or maybe that's fate telling me I need the Knitting Rose bison yarn).

At the end of the day Saturday, we went to see the animals...there were many kinds of sheep, alpacas, llamas, goats of all varieties, and two Paco-Vicuñas.  I had some deep and meaningful conversations with some alpacas (my GOD are they cute) and we cruised through the remaining booths before heading back to our hotel in Poughkeepsie.  Next time, I am booking something much closer.  We are NYers, we can walk a mile.  Whatever.

Sunday found us back bright and early.  We got some scones, coffee, and hot chocolate, bought some souvenirs tees and set out shopping again.  We met up with Andrea and Joe (and their adorable son) from Knitcrate.  What incredible, amazing people.  Their son echoed my sentiments when, upon seeing the alpacas, said "I want one."  Yeah, me too.

We did some additional shopping, bought a few more skeins (The CEO found a reasonably priced yarn for the Owl Sweater...I could kiss him...I probably did) and then we went off to watch the Eagles game.  We won't talk about that...what a terribad day for football yesterday.  A loss for the Broncos AND the Eagles?  At least Kansas City won (yay Andy Reid).

Around half time, I set back out alone to Rhinebeck to grab food and finish up shopping.  By that time, it was pretty quiet and I was able to see some things I missed the day before.  I also picked up the smoked mozzarella, aforementioned lamb, and some venison kielbasa we had wanted.  I even picked up some organic dog biscuits for the boys.

Then, I went to pick up The CEO and home we went.

Gosh I wish it was longer.  Next year, I think we will leave Friday night.  This was definitely the first of many Rhinebecks for The CEO and me.  Wanna join us next year?

I won't disclose exactly how many skeins of yarn I purchased...lest you judge...but here is a visual:

That's a Soak Carrie Basin and it is full.  I don't have a yarn problem.  On the far left is a tan colored yarn.  It is 100% natural, undyed angora.  Simon kept trying to swipe it out of the bucket.  He has expensive taste.  Little does he know, that Eagles green skein on the top is for him!

This was one of the best times I have had in a really long time (and we've had some darned amazing times this year).  I just cannot wait until next year.  My wallet can.

Until next time

~ NoM


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