Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Tuesday Toddy - My Favorite Bar Drink

The CEO loves a good vodka soda.  I don't.  I like girlie drinks.  Drinks that taste like fruit or some other yumminess.  Trouble is, I also like dive bars.  And it can be tough to get a Blue Hawaiian in a dive bar on the Lower East Side.

My go-to in these circumstances is a good cider.  I'm ok with Original Sin.  In a pinch I will drink Woodchuck...but my favorite is this:

For a girl who likes fruity drinks, I like my cider crisp but not sweet.  This fits the bill.  Drink it the right way, with a tall glass of ice.  It is so tasty.

Try this next time ordering a daiquiri would cause raised eyebrows.


~ EK

Up Next:  More Football Foodz!

1 comment:

  1. This is my FAVORITE cider!!! I discovered it a couple of years ago (I was drinking Strongbow before & now it tastes terrible in comparison) and have not looked back. There are some organic ones that come close, but Magner's is seriously awesome. Do you drink yours over ice or straight?
