Wednesday, October 17, 2012

14 October 2012 - More Football Foodz!

Well, the Eagles have surely been playing some crappy football.  I wish they would stop this losing business.
Regardless of how they play, I still get to make the Football Foodz! so that part isn't so bad.

This week I decided to forgo a mac and cheese for some dips and more crescent rolls (what?  I'm on a kick).

Here was the menu:

Layered Pizza Dip by Fake Ginger

Bacon Cheeseburger Crescents by Plain Chicken

Sausage Dip by Brown Eyed Baker

In a fit of inspiration, I also made dessert!

Pumpkin Drop Cookies by Favorite Family Recipes

And, not pictured but something of which I am extremely proud, Pumpkin Spice Bread by Harvest Moon by Hand 

Here is a picture of the table.

This is probably my favorite Football Foodz! week so far.  I couldn't stop eating that pizza dip but The CEO and I didn't agree on the MVP.  He said the sausage dip, I said the pizza dip, and the pups were into the crescents.  So a winner of a week, indeed...even if the Eagles lost.


~ EK

Up Next: Layered Pizza Dip of AWESOME

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